Waiting in line for the iphone

Got up and headed to the apple store expecting a line. Very short wait, I even got covered on the news.

ISSA show is coming up next week

Look for tweets and blog entries from the floor next week. We are going to use the new iPhone and the 1080 HD video camera to post from the booth.

ISSA show is getting close

I have been finishing the planning for the Big show in Las Vegas. it will be a little different this year as the out going president. Stay tuned for updates, videos and podcasts from the show.

Great Haiku from Janitorial Growth

ISSA mag now online

Check the new online version of ISSA Today magazine. Its a beautiful thing, not sure we need to be cutting trees for the hard copy version anymore.
Issa today magazine

Check the Cleaning related Haiku’s tab

Thought it would be fun to write some and ask for your haiku’s on cleaning and the cleaning industry, check out my first

Waiting in line for a new ipad

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a product that people wait in line for?
That is what apple has with the new iPad.

Jancast # 70 is up

Listen to the newest Jancast via the website, http://www.jancast.com/jancastdownload.html or subscribe to the feed with iTunes.
In this show Mark and I report from the ISSA show floor and recap what we have seen this year.

President photo from the podium

I used my new position to take my own shot before giving my speech as the new president

ISSA Pre-show video is up

Here is the link to the Bullen preshow video.